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Monday 2 November 2015

Fat Badgers at Halloween

What happens when a fat badger meets a Halloween Pumpkin?

Night 1:
(I have to admit that I set this up and there are a few tasty morsels inside the pumpkin).

The pumpkin is in the foreground in front of mid-lawn sculpture and if you cannot see the film below you may be trying to view on a hand-held devise and need to use a lap top.

The tentative rolling knocks the lid off and lets the snacks out. In the second piece of film the badger plants herself between the camera and the pumpkin as she hoovers up the snacks - but note the bright eyes watching from the hedgerow behind.

Night 2:

I moved the camera a little closer for a better look at this tubby lady badger:

So, she makes easy work of the first pumpkin. A few minutes later she does the same with the second pumpkin (but she rolls it out of shot).

Interesting how delicate she is in this. She does not rip the pumpkin apart - although she could easily do this, and this seems typical of their foraging. Despite the strong claws they seem to employ a delicate touch.

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