The winged snow leopard logo of CMS CoP14 |
The 14th conference of the Parties (i.e. the meeting of the countries that are members) of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species closed last weekend. It met in the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan in a huge conference centre.
LINK will take you to a personal account of what it is like to attend a meeting like this - with some 1,000 other delegates.
And here are some pictures -
Sunrise view from hotel room. |
Released at the begining of the CoP - report (on the right) - and the outline time table for the meeting. |
A rather splendid coffee area in the conference centre.
The CoP opens its plenary in a huge hall. |
The front of the conference centre at night.
The view from my desk. Laetitia Nunny of OceanCare is speaking. |
The opening session featires dancers in costumes relecting local wildlife - storks, famingoes and even a snow leopard:
Some of the many briefings distributed at the meeting. |
And here - Simmonds introduces a document in the plenary:
Amy closes the conference. |
In a following blog, I will provide some views of Samarkand city itself. A very special place.
Excellent covereage of the conference including a summary of outputs from the Earth Negotiations Bulleting
Mark in action - photo c/o Earth Negotiations Bulletin. |